This story requires a suspension of disbelief of epic proportions. The title is not great. The story is not original. Again, thanks so much for your submission.
No, thank you for reminding me.

So I am knocking out the first draft of a piece for The Harrow's forthcoming Day Terrors Anthology. I haven't written anything for a specific anthology in a while...quite a while. Yeah, it only pays $10, but I see it as a challenge--plus, I had this dream that fit perfectly. (put that in your pipe and smoke it, 'cause some folks think that's all 10 bucks is worth)
From "In the Grass":
Barry’s face was ashen, drawn. He lifted his right arm, blood oozing from fresh wounds, and pointed toward in the direction of the road, only there wasn’t a road. “We’re lost.”
Nick coughed and spat a dark mix of blood and mucus on the ground. “You aren’t lost…you’re trapped.”
I owe part of the story to the Flint Hills, a unique geological feature to east-central Kansas, and "What Was It?" by Fitz-James O'Brien (as reprinted in American Fantastic Tales Volume 1, edited by Peter Straub).
When I finish the story, I plan on a final editing pass of Loathsome, Dark, and Deep in preparation for submissions early next year. Oh, and Daniel LeMoal, the author of one of my favorite stories from Best Horror of the Year Volume 1 ("Beach Head"), will have a piece in 2010's 52 Stitches line up. (hence the fan-boy squee yesterday)
Wednesday is good. Enjoy yours.
That is a harsh rejection, I wonder who pissed on his Post Toasties this morning? Still, Yippee for everything else! (do you really think Poe can pull off those shoes? I don't know if he has the legs for them.)
Jamie - Rejection doesn't bother me (much) anymore, but if you're going to get nasty, just send a form. There's nothing positive I can squeeze from that. ("The title is not great" from a guy who published a story called "The Can")
One of those, if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. Now I have to look up who wrote 'The Can.'(which sounds like a title I would come up with.) :P
Jamie - I invented the title (to protect the wasn't the author's fault). The real title was that simple: The (noun). End.
Dude - EPIC proportions! Way to go! That's a step above MONUMENTAL proportions, isn't it? You da man!
I think this is sure sign that you either found someone who hates genre fiction, or really doesn't understand it. (What? They're PIGS... IN SPACE? As if!)
Either way, send it to someone that actually gets it and you'll be fine!
Ouch. Well, honestly, I would prefer that over a form letter.
Matt - Yeah, epic. Maybe I should write about a Greek king...You're so right about genre fiction vs. "the real world". Pigs in Space, har!
Jeremy - I 'spose. He took the time to show he cared that my story was shite. ;)
Poe has kind of a flat ass for a stripper. Ah, well.
Also, aren't suspensions of disbelief why we read fiction? Unless you're telling me there really IS an island where the wild things are.
I'm guessing I should stay away from them. Loving Poe's heels. :D
Natalie - that and nobody does tails anymore. (I know where the island is)
Cate - Now if he'd only do something about those bags under his eyes. Nobody wants a depressed looking stripper. (just guessing...)
Excellent! And Wednesday is good? Um, okay. But I wish it were Friday already. ;-)
What a jackass to write a rejection like that. Yeah, jackass was not my first choice of word. I'm sure they missed out on a great story too.
Elena - Friday is very, very good.
K.C. - Yeah, maybe (missed out on a great story). But such is life. If you have to be nasty, keep it to yourself.
Bizzarre...Isn't a suspension of disbelief why we can read about a car that repairs itself, or a psychic high school girl, or perhaps a little girl with a flair for pyrotechnics?
I'll leave commenting on the stripping Poe to Natalie...
I can't tell from here.....are the heels clear lucite with plastic goldfish embedded inside?
Cause then Poe would be rockin them even harder.
Re: The rejection
A)I like a nice polite "thank you but we can't use your piece at this time"
B)The guy must be an idiot. Your stuff is awesome.
Karen :0)
Alan - I think Matt nailed it as a "genre vs. mainstream" issue. Such is life.
Karen - Thanks...I just picked the wrong market.
Yay editor fanboy squeal! How exciting-- can't wait to see what he came up with.
As to that rejection letter, hahaha. Oh man. Talk about not getting it. Wow.
Talk about a thanks but no thanks. I hope your story finds a home where it's appreciated.
Poe Dancing is from my t-shirt website at
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