Plenty of other delicious e-bookage out there, too, including The Bottom Feeders, The House Eaters, the aforementioned Loathsome, Dark & Deep, and Rock Gods and Scary Monsters.
Because it is really about tearing down boundaries between writer/reader, each one of my indie published books (that would be self-published, wink-wink) is priced at 99 cents.
Speaking of indie-publishment, Strange Publications is taking pre-orders for Anthony J. Rapino's Uprooted chapbook through next weekend. Grab it and all the goodness for only $6. Real paper! Real art! Really good (and spooky) writing! Price includes world-wide shipping. You should stop by Anthony's new website and kick the tires, too. I hear there are contests.
Formatting is coming along for Cate Gardner's collection, Strange Men in Pinstripe Suits, and I hope to have that available for the Kindle (are you ready for this) for 99 cents by week's end.
Whew. So much to read. So affordable. So why not?
(I think I just channeled Monty Hall.)
Great stuff Aaron and happy E-Book week! I'll be sure to check out some of those fine titles ...
What is this...like Kindle release #25 for you? Rock on!
Yes, yes. A lot of goodness to be had. And Pinstriped Suits is coming Kindle as well? Very good news.
This week, I'm hoping to get around to Belinda Frisch's Dead Spell as my ebook of the week.
Thanks, Simon.
Barry - This is me making my own luck. Maybe it's bad luck. Who knows?
Gef - I'm working on it. ;)
Love the cover of Black Medicine Thunder, Aaron. And you are seriously taking over the world :D
Cate - I only want 40 acres and a mule.
Oh, that cover is fantastic! I love buffalo.
Natalie - They love you, too.
I totally remember "Black Medicine" from RPP -- very cool. And I've been begging Amazon for a Kindle Strange Men for a while now; BUENO!
Love that title. Go E-book week!
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