I happened to hear an interview with David Brooks, author of The Social Animal, yesterday on NPR. I caught only about half, but he had things to say about interacting with students in the classroom, a topic which cut close to my heart. The rest of the interview is worth a listen.
Where would we be without each other?
Thanks for the support, encouragement, and swift kicks to the buttocks when necessary. I wouldn't have stuck with writing without a little help from my fellow animals.
Enough of this sappy crap. I promise I'll share something scary tomorrow. Promise.
It's nice to be reminded about the sappy crap every so often. :)
We like the sap.
Okay, *I* like the sap, and I'm self-centered? Something like that.
But yeah. We need it. Seriously.
Laura - It tricks others into thinking I'm human.
Katey - I agree. Seriously.
Agreed. Socialising and communication is the best thing about the Net.
It would take a lot longer to become a good writer, that's for sure!
I think I can pretty safely say I wouldn't yet be published if it weren't for meeting writerly types online. I've had an awful lot of help and encouragement over the years.
You smell like Poo!
Mike - Cheers! I reread "The Terracotta Warrior" tonight. Great, hear-pounding stuff.
Natalie - I've learned much from my surroundings.
K.C. - The feeling is mutual.
Mmmm...poo. Ha! Haha!
I always knew you were a softy. I'd be lost without my internet friends.
Poo - ha!
Cate - Unfortunately, as time goes by, I get softer in the belly.
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