Sunday, September 14, 2008

Recipes for Kids

A dangerous post title for a guy who's been known to write horror and dark fantasy, but this is important.

Jodi Lee, an author/editor from Canada (I share The Black Garden TOC with her, and she has a story, "The Lion Roared" in Tainted's TOC) has a proposal.

Well, her daughter is looking for ways to raise money to replace the old handicapped inaccessible playground equipment at her school. They are putting together a benefit cookbook. So...(and I quote from

"I was thinking of a “scratch our back, we’ll scratch yours” kinda thing. Any author, editor, reporter, actor, etc. that would like to byline themselves with their favorite recipe, for a good cause, let us know, and we’ll send a form out by email. I’m spam-guarding the email address, but you just have to remove the guard, and add the appropriate bits. recipes jodilee ca"

(That would be recipes(at)jodilee(dot)ca, with an @ and . in place of the parentheses and words)

What do you say folks? Let's see how we can help. I have a pile of delicious recipes, none of which calls for children. (I only write about the weird stuff.)


Jamie Eyberg said...

I am quite the cook if you don't mind an obscure writer. I am always looking for cookbooks to add to my collection as well.

Fox Lee said...

That sounds fun : )

Carrie Harris said...

Oh, I adore cooking. With or without children. :) Thanks for the link!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. You've been nominated for an I Love Your Blog award over at Join The Birdies. Because "Reciprocity" was AMAZING!

Fox Lee said...

You have been nominated for an "I love your blog" award!

Cate Gardner said...

And my award makes three... :)

Jamie Eyberg said...

Make that four. Congrats you really are a well liked guy.

Aaron Polson said...

Thanks everyone.