Sunday, February 6, 2011

Write 1 / Sub 1 Weekend Update #write1sub1

Well, I managed to get a piece of flash out into the ether this week, a short little thing titled "Why Susie McTavish Believes in Angels". I'm not sure it works, but it gave me shivers when I wrote it. We shall see...

I'm doing okay on the writing side of things but falling behind on editing and revising. I will not send a story out before it's ready. So, I have three longish tales (3K or more) written and waiting for editing/revision and another flash story in the queue. I suppose I should hammer them into shape before writing another word.

Speaking of hammers, one features as an important prop in The House Eaters, my YA horror book (which adults should dig, too) which was released this week. How's that for a segue?

If you're interested in a signed copy, drop me a line ( I'm selling them at cover price + shipping, so no gouging here. Maybe I should offer a discount...(haha)


Simon Kewin said...

Great stuff all round Aaron. I know what you mean about falling behind on the editing. Sometimes I wonder if Bradbury did any redrafting at all. I mean, I guess he must have.

Aaron Polson said...

Maybe Bradbury was one of those lucky fellows who could nail it on the first try. Maybe...

Paula RC said...

Good Luck with your story and the House Eaters. I'm busy with my book at the moment or I will be once I stop playing around on the net.

Anthony Rapino said...

Good luck with the sub. I know how you feel about the editing. I always feel weird moving on to a new story without completing the last.

Aaron Polson said...

Thanks, Jarmara...the internet is sooooo addictive.

Anthony - It feels weird, but right. I try to let a story sit before revisiting it, but now I find myself writing more and editing less. I'll hit my stride.

Fox Lee said...

I'm behind on the editing as well. It sneaks up on you, doesn't it? : P

Danielle Birch said...

I often wonder about getting it right on the first draft. If only...

Tyhitia Green said...

Yes, I have two novels to edit myself. About to get to work on the dark UF.

Congratulations, Aaron. I'll be contacting you about a signed copy.