I have one of "those" stories up at Liquid Imagination today (I'll let you, dear readers, decide what that means). You can read "When Megan Could Fly" or listen to the wonderful Robert Eccles read the story. I had originally intended the tale to be part of How We Die in a Hungry Town when the manuscript was titled We're All Liars Here, but then the character of Megan changed. Too much, really.
Liquid Imagination serves a few pictures to go with each story, and I found the first to be rather thought-provoking. Let me know if it provokes you, too.
Thanks to the Liquid Imagination crew for publishing "When Megan Could Fly". Part of the story is true, but I'll leave you to decide which part...
That, my friend, is a fabulous piece of work. I might treat myself to the audio version later. And yeah, those pix are pretty evocative. What a great site!
Thanks, Michael. Like I said, it was one of "those" stories. I just loved it when it all fell together.
Oooh! I can't wait to read it, I like Liquid Imagination very much!
:) Congrats on the publishment!!
Happy Writing!
It's a haunting and beautifully written story. Well done.
Thanks, Kara.
I appreciate the read, Danielle.
Printed out to devour later. :D
I hope you enjoy, Cate.
That was a punch to the gut that took my breath away. Beautiful writing. Now I'm wondering (and worrying) what part is true.
Cate - All but the flying. Of course, the rest has been fictionalized. ;)
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