Monday, January 3, 2011

2011: A Writing Odyssey

Don't forget the review contest...entries aren't due until the end of the month, but plan ahead, 'kay? Right now, the entrants have a 1 in 3 chance of winning. Make it harder for them.

Okay...on to my goals for 2011...

What I can do:

1. Always have at least one story in front of a pro paying market. Right now, I have two. I plan on adding another by the end of the week.

2. Sub one new story each week (Write 1/Sub 1). I plan to submit "The Good Daughter" this week.

3. Finish Borrowed Saints. I aborted the weekly updates last fall because I needed more time to edit. Will this happen? I don't know. But it is a goal.

4. Finish How We Die in a Hungry Town. I need to edit, edit, edit. I have a self-imposed deadline for this.

5. Write one review each month for Skull Salad. Minimum.

What I'd like to happen in 2011:

1. Sell at least one more story to a pro paying market. I need one more sale of 1,800 words or more to make "active" level for the HWA. I'd like that.

2. I'd like to sell a book. Right now, I have How We Die in a Hungry Town...hmmm...


Angie said...

Great goals. They sound challenging. I hope you have a great year!

Deborah Walker said...

Excelllent. I've already read 'The Bottom Feeders' in the free version, and enjoyed it. Just got the deluxe version from Smashwords. Expect a review in the next week or so, Aaron.

Cate Gardner said...

All admirable goals. And all achievable for you, I'm sure. :D

Aaron Polson said...

Thanks, Angie. All the best to you in 2011, too.

Debs - thanks for the purchase. I hope you find something worth 99 cents in those "bonus" stories. ;)

Cate - I hope. I hope.

K.C. Shaw said...

Excellent goals! Good luck with them!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic, concrete writing goals. I plan to finish two novels by June (rough draft only) and then...I don't know. Write some more. Obviously I need to think it out a bit more carefully. ;)


Aaron Polson said...

K.C. - Good luck to us all.

Mercedes - Concrete as in concrete wall against which to bash my poor brains.

Alan W. Davidson said...

From what I've seen of you the past couple of years, it's all do-able my friend. Seems to me you're off and running with 2011.

Katey said...

I don't have to say good luck because your self-deadlines will be way more useful than imaginary mojo!

But screw it, good luck anyhow :D

Corinne said...

Those are some excellent goals -- I should really take note of goal #1, especially. I'm such a slacker.

Good luck!