For me, the term conjured images of swimsuit models, sports, and raw meat. The real "Man Cave" however, couldn't be further from such testosterone laden pursuits. It's really just a spare bedroom in our basement that I refinished last year.
Let me reveal the secrets of The Man Cave:

Yes, that's my computer. Yes, the desk is very messy. If you look closely, you can make out my submissions page from Duotrope onscreen.

I like Legos. I think Star Wars Legos are too cute. A few years ago, I made a killing on eBay selling the little minifig dudes. These are the survivors. The black plastic dragon has been with me since I was six. Buddha was at the birth of both of my sons.

Ah, the bookshelf. It was my first piece of "real" furniture purchased after high school. These are my favorite books, mostly speculative fiction of some kind.

I like Legos. I think Star Wars Legos are too cute. A few years ago, I made a killing on eBay selling the little minifig dudes. These are the survivors. The black plastic dragon has been with me since I was six. Buddha was at the birth of both of my sons.

Ah, the bookshelf. It was my first piece of "real" furniture purchased after high school. These are my favorite books, mostly speculative fiction of some kind.

And...what's that? The walls of The Man Cave are lavender?
Looking over me as I write is a print of St. John the Evangelist from The Book of the Kells. Aimee and I picked it up in Ireland on our honeymoon. raw meat. No swimsuit models. No sports memorabilia to speak of.
But some weird stuff goes down on that computer. Weird stuff.
I don't have a 'man-cave', not a writing one anyway. I have a pool table in my basement with a mini-fridge full of beer. (I still need to build a full bar) Cool idea for a post though. I might have to steal it.
YAY! For the pictures. I love seeing where other people write.
Sometimes I miss ebay - I made a killing a few years back selling adverts ripped out of old magazines. Some people paid ridiculous prices and to this day, I'm convinced I visited a parallel universe.
Jamie - but you have a pool table. A pool table! I would loooove a pool table.
Cate - sometimes I miss eBay too, but writing is much more self-satisfying.
Aaron, feel free to make the drive up into Iowa and play pool anytime you want. I am always home.
Oh, cool! I love the dragon especially.
ebay was very good to me too back a few years ago. I sold off most of my Edward Gorey book collection and made tons of money.
KC - I figured you'd like the dragon. I had a whole set of plastic fantasy characters...orcs, knights, valiant steeds...the dragon is the lone survivor.
My cave is a corner of our lower level (we live in a split level house)where The Wife and I share a space. My copy of the Writer's Market rests next to her copy of the DSM IV. (she's the smart one).
*squeels* You have Happy Buddha! He was a Zen monk who was known for, among other things, handing out candy to children. Good gift for a new baby : )
A lavender man cave.
I'm sorry. I would comment further, but I can't stop laughing hysterically.
Barry - hey, my wife has a copy of the DSM, too. I think she's trying to diagnose me...
Natalie - sweet! We love candy at our place!
Carrie - (tries to respond, but can't...hangs head in shame)
I used to have a man cave, until we moved to Las Vegas and ended up a a house so small that our computers are what was the dining room. Now I only have the garage to hide in...
A pool table would be awesome.
Cool pix! I may have to snap some photos of my office, which is overflowing with books and
I may have to post some photos of my writing room, or should I say girl cave, after I've finished painting the walls.
Star wars Legos and a leaf from the Book of Kells... man, you even have a Buddha (I have one of those on my desk! He's biger and more Thai style, but still).
The Man Cave is truly a thing of beauty.
Jeremy - I wish our garage had more space.
Jameson - I've had to hide most of my, um, toys b/c of the kids.
Danielle - please do. Workspaces are so interesting.
Katey - thanks...I like it. Man Cave doesn't really fit, does it?
I'll have to take pictures of my, uh, Girlie Cave. That sounds a lot worse than Man Cave. I have lipstick kiss art on my walls. Hmmm.
About the internet and Jeremy's peeing in the pool analogy (which was very nice):
We're supposed to have an internet "presence", and yet we're supposed to be mysterious. I'm not aloof. I'm dorky. I'm just myself on the 'net, because it's my playground. I don't really think about it, and maybe I should. I just try not to say anything that I'll really regret later.
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