Well, one gift in particular: a Kindle copy of my new novella, We are the Monsters. (Well, it's a long novella or a very short novel...depends on your definition, doesn't it?) Don't have a Kindle? No sweat. You can download a free Kindle app for PC, Mac, iPod...etc. Yes, I know it's part of Amazon's evil empire. I just haven't had time to up load the book to Smashwords yet and my birthday (hence the gifting) is today.

About We are the Monsters:
While cruising a dark country road late one Saturday night, five high school friends accidentally kill an old drunk. Hiding the body is easy. Lying about what happened is even easier. But lies have a way of breeding Monsters in Springdale, Kansas, and the Monsters have come to play.
"Here’s the truth about growing up in a small town: you tell lies to survive.
I worked at a grocery store during high school, part time on the evenings and weekends. I saw plenty of strange things there: avocados stuffed in a barrel of fresh popcorn left to rot, a coworker who punched holes in the caps of beer bottles with an awl, pies marked “Verda’s own home-baked” which came frozen on pallets with the Sunday dairy truck. I found a body in the trash bin once, but nobody can prove who put it there. No one can prove it was there.
There were too many bodies for a town the size of Springdale. The name of the town is a lie, but the bodies aren’t. All of them. When you find a body lying with the outdated yogurt, wilted lettuce, and cardboard boxes, you make up stories to cope. You can’t process a body in the grocery store trash bin. A trick of the light, you say. The way the shadows fell across certain bits of debris like the coat hanger beast in a little boy’s bedroom. That head of lettuce, there, in the corner, looks like a human hand.
Bodies are bodies.
Dead is dead.
And lies are lies."
Interested? Either comment with email address below (you can use (at) instead of @ in the address to fool spam bots) or email me directly at aaron.polson(at)gmail.com.
Enjoy the Ides of March!
happiest birthday Aaron! i love your idea of giving instead of receiving so here's my email addy: aobibliophile(at)gmail(dot)com
thanks and enjoy your day! thank you very much! c",)
Happy Birthday, Aaron! Giving away a book is a very generous way of celebrating your birth.
dgrintalis AT comcast DOT net
Enjoy, and thanks for reading!
Happy birthday--count me in!
Happy Birthday!
Happy B day
If you’re still in the giving spirit: swollenguy at yahoo.com
Enjoy, Doug!
Thanks, Barry.
S. - All day long. ;)
Happy Birthday, Aaron!! Have a great day and watch out for gremlins they like free things and presents :)
Happy birthday to you, and deathday to Caesar!
I'd love to have another Aaron Polson on my ipad. (Yes, I downloaded the kindle app. Evil empire has infected my beautiful little Apple Kingdom.
Oh wait, they're evil too. Well, at least they make pretty things!)
Thanks, Kara.
You got it, Katey. ;)
Happy Birthday!! I saw you post over at kindleboards and came by here to check it out. I would love a copy of your book :)
Happy birthday, buddy.
Yours is on the 15th and mine is on the 16th, and with the way the timeline is, me being in Oz and you over there, we actually celebrate at the same time - weird, but very cool.
Good idea, Aaron. A belated happy birthday to you. I look forward to reading it.
SJ - I'll send it right away; enjoy!
BT - Happy Birthday to you, too. Nice to share the day.
Craig - Thanks and enjoy!
Hope you had a most excellent day and gave more than you received. Wait...that sounds wrong. ;)
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