Wednesday, February 9, 2011

WIP Wednesday is Fraught with Absurdity

We have another snow day. Eight this year. I'm going a little batty, to tell the truth.

So I spent a good deal of my morning editing Borrowed Saints. This afternoon, I'll have another look at Anthony J. Rapino's Uprooted, the next chapbook for Strange Publications.

If you find yourself snowed in and need something to read (or just need something to read), might I steer you toward Jeremy Kelley's "This is Nathan Hall" (a serial short at his blog).

Innsmouth Free Press #6 is up and running, too, featuring several lovely pieces of weird fiction by writers such as Angela Slatter, Joshua M. Reynolds, Daniel José Older, and yours truly with "Drowning Old Milford". As always, it is a free read, and you can download the PDF issue for free, too.

Have a lovely day. No more snow, okay?


Barry Napier said...

Yeesh...all those snow they cut into your summer vacation time?

Aaron Polson said...

Barry - Let's just say it's going to get interesting over the next few weeks as the board of education decides what to do. My perspective? They're the one's who told me not to come to work...

Kara McElhinny said...

Two hour delay tomorrow (it was set at 11:30a today...) I'm right with you on the wall, Aaron. Hope you had a good day, tho!

Happy writing
(if we can figure out where the snow faerie lives, we can set her on fire and melt her!)

Danielle Birch said...

A dark and very atmospheric story. Well done.

Aaron Polson said...

Kara - Yes, let's melt her. Hehee.

Thanks for reading, Danielle.

Anonymous said...

A good read; I need to brush up on my Lovecraft! Wasn't sure this was intentional, but the following line repeats, back to back: "Secrets like the doorway which haunted Nathan as he tried to sleep that night. His eyes wouldn’t shut – not for long."

K.C. Shaw said...

We were supposed to get snow overnight but only got a dusting. I'm so sick of cold weather. Hopefully it'll be spring soon! The local schools have already lost most of their spring break time, though.

Fox Lee said...

From your lips, to the weather's ears.

Cate Gardner said...

I keep meaning to download, Innsmouth. Right, where's that kindle of mine.

Aaron Polson said...

Milo - Thanks for pointing it out...maybe an artifact (I did a sizable rewrite for that piece).

K.C. - Snow is nice, occasionally and in small quantities.

Natalie - Heh. I have the power.

Cate - Enjoy!