Wednesday, January 19, 2011

WIP Wednesday: Stranger in a Strange Land

Today's writing prompt (from The Write Addiction)'s a mash up: rewrite "The Three Little Pigs" as if it was a science fiction story.

I had one of those secret life/real life crossovers earlier today when I stumbled across this entry on J. Seraphim Anderson's blog, the white star journal. I've been playing relatively well with others on the interwebTM for a few years, but I still feel like a

in my own town. I need to get out more. Meet some real humans.


I finished a short Gothic story, "The North Lantern", yesterday, and today I'm hoping to put some serious revision to two flash pieces.

The first line of "The Fisherman's Son" (one of the two):

My father, who was quite sick, hadn't caught a single "keeper" on the last day we fished Glen Elder Lake together.


Speaking of flash, "Faith" is to be included (along with "How to Burn a House") in The Best of Every Day Fiction Three. Happy dance? Sure, why not.


Cate Gardner said...

Excellent news about Every Day Fiction. And ooh, you're right before China Mieville - extra cool.

Aaron Polson said...

Thanks, Cate. I love both of those stories. (It might be the last time I'm mentioned before China Mieville...or anywhere near him, for that matter...)

Michael Stone said...

Congrats on the Every Day Fiction jobbie, and Chine!

Anonymous said...

Awesomeness, as per usual!

Aaron Polson said...

Thanks, Mike & Milo.

Katey said...

Congrats on the EDF--that's very cool.

As for "real humans"... pfffft! (Okay, I like em. Sometimes. Sort of.)