Saying "thank you" is hard.
It isn't hard because I'm's hard because I know I always forget someone. Consider this an incomplete list.
Thanks to Jodi Lee and the Belfire crew for releasing my first novel to the wild. Loathsome, Dark and Deep started as an experiment in story telling, and now it is paper and ink. Huzzah!
Thanks to all the editors who have published my work this year and those who have taken a chance on my strange little stories.
Thanks to the brave souls who signed on to Skull Salad Reviews. I, the ultimate slacker, haven't posted my first review since I gave the call a little over a month ago, but C.D. Brinker, Gef Fox, Cate Gardner, Brady Golden, T.J. McIntyre, and Deborah Walker have all stepped up to the plate. Awesome.
Speaking of reviews, and reading in general, thanks to anyone who read my words this year. I don't really do this alone, and without readers, I might as well spend my days replaying the Resident Evil series. Not that playing Resident Evil is wrong. Oh no. It's not wrong at all.
Thanks to my family, of course, the close physical relations who live under my roof and all of those around the world who've treated me with kindness.
All right...enough of this sappy crap. I have a story to finish, and my MC is dropping a million tons of explosives on a distant planet.
The trigger must carry the weight of the faceless dead, so we do not become them.
I'll be "away" until next week, but be sure to stop by on Christmas Day (or shortly thereafter) for a special short story "present".
Thank you all, and enjoy the season.
Merry Christmas, Aaron!
Happy Christmas to the Polson clan, from the Viswanathans :D
Life and good people are to be appreciated! Good deal. Merry Christmas, man!
Life and good people are to be appreciated! Good deal. Merry Christmas, man!
Have a good Christmas, Aaron.
Have a Merry Merry and a Happy Happy!
¡Feliz Navidad, Aaron!
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