This one could easily be titled "grow where you're planted", but I'm not going that cliché. No, this photo is really about contrasts. Does your novel have them? Does your protagonist have a foil, another character rife with opposing characteristics--greedy when the MC is generous, vindictive when the MC is forgiving, meticulous when the MC is slovenly...
Contrast helps bring out a character's traits and creates drama and suspense. Contrast makes for good fiction.
Hope your day is full of contrast. In a good way, of course.
What I want to know is: did you take that photo? And if you did was you lying down on the pavement? ;)
Akasha - I'd love to claim it, but no. I've nabbed some of my pictures for these posts from the Creative Commons section of Flickr. I try to give credit when possible, but some photos are only tagged with a "handle" (a few initials if that). As far as lying down to take photos, I have done that. You can really generate dramatic angles and effects by doing so.
Thanks, again, for the insight.
My son took a photo like that last spring while the a river of water bore a channel through the packed ice at the curb. Nice photo, but he got water in the camera.
I love that photo.
"Take that, concrete! Take that and suck it!"
...Apparently I am now channeling a sassy little flower. Hmmm.
Take that and suck it. Tee hee.
Hmm, I wish my first reaction was like Mercedes'. I guess I'm feeling a little vulnerable.
Alan - My brother in law is a photographer, and he's destroyed his fair share of cameras.
Cate - ;)
Mercedes - Attack!
Carrie - (I giggled too)
Becca - Maybe just a little less aggressive?
What they don't show you is the next frame where a car parks on top of the flower. Just saying. Still it is a cool pic.
Jamie - so true. Goodbye, cruel world.
Well, I'm drinking coffee and planning to make a hotpot. That's a pretty tasty contrast ; )
Oh but please, for the love of god, don't make your foil just a foil. Draco Effing Malfoy-- SO DISAPPOINTING IN BOOK 7.
Beautiful image!
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