Sure, it can be a man, woman, what-have-you in a sexual sense, but lust can also refer to power, money, objects, etc. Lust is also a nice reminder that the best verbs really grab a reader.
Hop over to Nossa Morte when you have a spare moment and read "Tesoro's Magic Bullet". And have a great writing day.
Thanks for the reminder on that, Aaron. I've been plugging away with thoughts as they pop into my head, trying to make them conform to my game plan notes. I'll have to revisit what is driving these characters. It will be Lust in the money/greed sense in my story (rather than the sexual kind). But that may change by the end of the month...
You're speaking my language, my friend.
A wonderful story in one of my favorite magazines-- really well told. I really admire your way with a metaphor. They're very soft and carefully woven in, so that the prose often reads more like poetry. It ups the power without the reader even noticing.
Awesome concept, too!
Alan - A lot will change by the end of the month. You'll know you can do this crazy NaNo thing, that's for sure.
Katey - Thanks for that. Sometimes, I feel like I use no metaphors, and then, looking back, I realize the whole freakin' thing was a metaphor. Who knew?
You've left me wondering what my characters lust for...
Excellent story, Aaron. Beautifully written, wonderful title... One that leaves you thinking, I'll never be that good.
That is an awesome story, really brilliant!
Now I'm trying to figure out what my new main character lusts for. I think she's probably really just crying out for me to name her something other than underscore at this point.
Cate - Rubbish (about "never be that good")...but thanks for reading.
K.C. - Thanks. Yeah, sometimes they just want a name, right? Is that too much to ask?
Oh, damn, Aaron, don't make me think. LOL
Assumes best Homer posture...hmm...lust.
Very cool story. There's a grit to it that underlies the beautiful words that just works into the brain as you read. Moving in a very distrubing way.
Well done!
Aaron, that was dark and intense, I really enjoyed it.
Jodi - Not too hard, anyway. ;)
BT - Thanks. I cut and cut and cut with that piece.
Danielle - ;) Thanks. Dark makes me happy.
I have a soft spot for stories about brothers. Though I didn't need it to love this story.
Great market to crack, Aaron. A killer of a story too – fantastic.
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