I picked up two books from DarkHart Press recently...The Gentling Box, a novel by Lisa Mannetti and Martyrs & Monsters, a collection of short fiction by Robert Dunbar.
I picked up The Gentling Box after learning Mannetti had won the Stoker for best first novel. The premise intrigued me, and the first couple of pages grabbed me by the throat. Mannetti has a fantastic way with imagery, pummeling the reader's senses as she paints a vivid world of gypsies, betrayal, and dark magic.
You'd be hard pressed to find any negative reviews of the book, and with good reason. It's well-researched, well-written, and builds just enough tension to keep a reader hooked. But, I found myself skimming some of the more tedious passages of description. After a certain point, I drowned under the imagery and needed a breath. No spoilers here, but the central conflict--involving the device for which the novel is named--just didn't work for me, either. Note I write: for me. The book is fantastic...truly deserving of the Stoker...my frustrations reveal more about my taste than Mannetti's prose. (read on for more)

I read the introduction and dove into the first story, put the book down, and scratched my head. Again--there's a theme--the imagery was brilliant, but I didn't care for "Getting Wet". The story felt hazy, unclear. Determined to try another, I read the related, "Are We Dead Yet?". Again, I put the book down. Neither story really hit that special nerve.
I'm glad I picked it up a third time. "Red Soil" is worth the price of admission alone. Originally appearing in Cemetery Dance, the story drives a sharp pike right into the heart of what I like about horror: short enough that I can churn through it quickly, digesting all the juiciest bits with enough time to let the chill settle deep in my imagination. A short story can afford to be a little open to interpretation, and my brain is always ready to play. Since reading "Red Soil", I've found other gems in the collection (I never read them cover to cover...I just can't). "Red Soil" is one of those stories I wish I would have written, and as a fledgling author, I have no higher praise to give.
What did I learn about myself? I like my horror fiction short, for one. I prefer longer works of fantasy or science fiction, but horror...give it to me quick and dirty.
Argh! The temptation. I've just added 4 new books to my towering pile...
Cate...resist! Resist! (but I think you'd really love The Gentling Box)
both sound good... my wish list from amazon grows longer and longer. those poor books. i should probably buy one soon...
Samantha...just tell yourself its for the good of the genre. Plus, you can have that nifty free shipping on orders over $25 (if you don't mind waiting a month for your schtuff).
I totally agree with you about horror being short and dirty when it's at its best. I think that's why so many horror movies just don't work, too: it's too hard to sustain that kind of tension in an enjoyable way for too prolonged a period of time. It makes me all "skip to the end!"
We were just discussing this while watching Supernatural, because that's why it works. Obviously there are always exceptions, but yeah.
Fantasy on the other hand-- I'm with you there too :D
I have Gentling box in my wish list. Have had since I first heard of it. I think I might give it a play. Christmas is coming up in a couple of months and I need to flesh out my list some more. :)
Katey - I don't watch a lot of spanking-new horror flicks because A) they just gross me out and B) there's only enough plot for about fifteen minutes.
Jamie - I love holidays where people can buy me all the books I want. ;)
I'm adding The Gentling Box to my To Buy list.
My list keeps getting longer and longer. Damn it.
Between you, Michele and Zoe, I'm going to be spending the Christmas fund next, all on books for me... LOL
Just doing my job, Jodi. ;)
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