Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Shaking Off the Rust

I hammered out about 1,200 words on a new short story last night, and it felt soooooo good to stretch my writing muscle. On Saturday, when I was struggling with my resident virus, I didn't think I'd want to write another word. Again. Ever.

Glad that's over.

So far I've had three rejections this "year" and one itty-bitty acceptance to Drabblecast for a 100-worder. I used to collect the rejection letters in a Hotmail folder, but lately I've been deleting them. Unless, that is, the rejection holds some constructive criticism. Otherwise *click* (flush).

It's hard to remember how those early rejection letters used to sting. My skin (or my skull) must be much thicker now.


Rob Brooks said...

An itty-bitty acceptance is still an acceptance. Congrats!

When I get rejection letters now, I usually just feel disappointment. But no, they don't really sting anymore, do they?

K.C. Shaw said...

Congrats on the Drabblecast acceptance!

I only keep rejection letters that are really glowingly good--along the lines of "we loved this but couldn't accept it because the aliens wouldn't let us." There aren't many letters in that file.

Fox Lee said...

On a positive note, being sick is a real excuse for not writing. As opposed to, oh I don't know, "busy eating Christmas cookies" ; )

Cate Gardner said...

Congrats on the itty-bitty acceptance. And rejections 3 acceptances 1 is an excellent ration.

I need to empty my email folder - I keep all acceptances, rejections, contracts in the same folder. I need to organise. And yeah, I'm sometimes disappointed but rejections don't sting anymore. Mostly, I just move them along or edit.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I have been fortunate enough to have not ever received a nasty rejection. I think about half of mine have come back with positive comments and suggestions.

Congrats on the acceptance!

Jamie Eyberg said...

I still have all of my rejections from 10-15 years ago. needless to say I have kept them all since I started again. I actually use them as proof that I am a writer to the I.R.S. if they come calling.

Congrats and a 25% acceptance rate in 2009 is nothing to sneeze at. Much better than the 100% rejection rate I have this year.

Jameson T. Caine said...

Not only do I keep all my rejection emails, I print them out and put them binders with all my snail mail rejections...you know, in case I need wallpaper someday.

Jeremy D Brooks said...

Well, then: itty-bitty congrats!

BT said...

Congrats on the acceptance.

And congrats on stretching that muscle once more - it's such a good feeling isn't it??

As for rejections, 99% of them don't bother me. I'm not a fan of the form rejection as that doesn't help me improve my work (and most editors seem to say they love to help new writers...), but I keep them all so I can track what I sent where and what the response was. I keep a spreadsheet as well but the the hard evidence is good to remind me.

1% of rejections still sting though. When I get an editor on a bad day, or it seems a little more personal or condescending than usual, I rant a little at all the injustices in the world.

Then I just resub somewhere else imagining the poor schmuck's face when it does get published and they see what a gem they missed out on. I can dream can't I?
